Meredith Bullock: On listening to her inner voice and taking a long break from social media

Meredith Bullock is a painter, coach, teacher and leader living in Nashville, Tennessee.

She paints to process the choices make as a mother of two young sons while simultaneously excavating and magnifying memories of her recently deceased mother. Most currently, she took a 10-month break from painting and connecting on social media to simply just be with her family. During that break, she flowed into writing and after her social media break was over, she finished the first draft of her book, The Brave Map.

In this interview we talked about

  • Meredith’s journey to become an artist

  • Why and how she decided to take a 10-month break from social media

  • What she did during her social media break

  • How she decided to make her come back and how she found her new rhytm

  • What she envisions herself to be in 25 years

    (scroll down to listen) or search “Mindshift For Artists” on Apple Podcast and iTunes.


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