Sirimas Sirimas

Amanda Evanston: Her biggest mindset shift was...


“If you don’t go within, you go without.” 
― Neale Donald Walsch

Welcome to the first MindShift for Artists interview!

I created this interview series simply because I believe we can’t really get to where we want to be without mastering the inner game first.

Through this interview series we will learn from artists of different disciplines how they tend to their minds and how they take care of their inner selves.

Our first guest today is Amanda Evanston. Amanda is a painter and teacher living in Evanston. Amanda’s superpower is that she can teach anyone to paint flowers!

Here are some Interview Highlights:

What has been your biggest shift?

“My biggest shift is my daily practice. There’s a concept that if you make art everyday it stops being about you trying to make it look like something. If you make it everyday and start listening to your art, your art will start talking to you. It will tell you how it wants to be.”

How do you start the day? Do you have a daily routine?

“The one thing I do almost every single day is I have an app called the five-minute journal. It’s very basic but essentially it asks you questions like
What do you plan to do today
What went right today

It’s a way to start the day in the position of gratitude.”

What’s the quality that you love in someone you admire?

“Enthusiasm. When you’re around somebody who’s enthusiastic, I don't care what they do. They could be scooping ice or working at the hardware store. When somebody is working with enthusiasm, you want to be around them. It’s exciting and restoring.”

How do you define success?

“In the course of a day I have to be exceptionally happy for at least a few minutes of it.

But I also expect to spend a few minutes being genuinely sad or angry. Those are important counter balances.”

Scroll down to listen to the full interview!

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