Rose Candela: Her greatest mindset shift was discovering the cycles of creativity

Rose Candela is a mother, trained art historian, artist, and coach to women who want to cultivate love and acceptance for themselves on their creative path. She believes your life has a unique rhythm and accepting that is the way to inner peace. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina with her husband and son.

(scroll down to listen to the interview)

Interview Highlights:

“Rest is really important for the process”

Creative Winter: This is the time we’re going inside. We’re not producing much. We may be confused about what our purpose is or what our art is going to be.  This is the time to dream, to think and not do a lot.

Creative Spring: This is the time for listening and planning, and thinking about what you want to say.

Creative Summer: This is the time for producing, defining yourself and your art. It’s really important to remember that in the summer it can feel overwhelming really quickly.

Creative Autumn: This is the time for the process of releasing, finishing up, tidying things. This is a great time to finish your work.

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