Kaylan Buteyn: On living the life she’s truly happy with

Kaylan is an artist living and working in rural Tennessee. An avid gardener and dedicated locavore, she tends a flock of chickens with her Great Pyrenees, Gesso, and enjoys watching birds, reading books and drinking her husband's home brewed kombucha or beer in their historic house.

Kaylan paints about the painful and joyful perspective of mothering, using abstraction as a framework for processing the complexities of her identity as a mother & artist.

Interview Highlights

“My biggest mindset shift comes from believing that I have everything I need in the moment to be exactly who I need to be.”

On being successful and loving the life she has

“You can find whatever you need in the moment no matter what your circumstances are.”

Scroll down to listen to the interview


Rose Candela: Her greatest mindset shift was discovering the cycles of creativity


Kayla Gale: On serving first and foremost