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Creative Shift Circle Mini Series featuring Inge Flinte

Inge Flinte is an artist and photographer based in Australia. She is one of the founding members of The Creative Shift Circle.

In this interview we talk about

  • Inge’s background and art journey

  • The current challenges she’s facing

  • Why she decided to join the Creative Shift Circle and the transformation she’s planning to make during her time in the circle.

    Listen to to interview here

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Sara Connell: Her biggest mindset shift was deciding to go forward no matter what

Sara Connell is an author and writing coach. Her first book “Bringing in Finn” is a beautiful personal story about how she, her husband, and her 61 year-old mother brought her son Finn into this world through surrogacy. That first book has opened the door to so many opportunities, including being on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and NPR. I had the pleasure to know Finn, Sara and her husband so I’m very excited to have Sara here to share her transformational story.

In this interview we talked about

  • How Sara had always wanted to be a writer

  • How she wrote in secret for 10 years

  • The day things shifted and she decided to just go for it and started showing her work

  • How she has grown in her writing practice and transitioned into being a writing coach

Sara’s biggest mindset shifts

“There’s something in my spirit that said “I don’t know if I’m good. I don’t. But I have to do this work.”

“The decision to go forward no matter what and getting support. Those are the two big game changers for me.”

Scroll down to listen to the full interview.

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Melissa Parke Rousseau: On the magic of living and working in the desert

Melissa Parke Rousseau is an Artist + Herbalist.  Her work is an exploration and visual storytelling in celebration of fluidity + movement, our earth, sun, + moon, the elements of air + water, our sky in the morning, our sky at night, the cosmos, and the powerful duality of the divine feminine grace + strength

She lives in Joshua Tree, CA with her love Sie and their pups Yula + Chaga.


“In the desert it brings to the surface all the stuff that you need to work on.

If you’re looking for transformation and being exposed and not hiding behind things anymore, the desert is definitely a place to come.”

“All things that make you uncomfortable. They’re making you really strong too.”

Scroll down to listen to the full interview.

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Tiffany Wong: Her biggest mindset shift was finding a cause to fuel her art

Tiffany Wong is a visual artist and advocate living in Chicago.

In this episode we talked about

  • Her artist journey

  • Her biggest mindset shift: finding a cause she is incredibly passionate about and express that through her art

  • Her experience seeing a therapist and how it has made an impact on her

Scroll down to listen to the full interview.

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Meredith Bullock: On listening to her inner voice and taking a long break from social media

Meredith Bullock is a painter, coach, teacher and leader living in Nashville, Tennessee.

She paints to process the choices make as a mother of two young sons while simultaneously excavating and magnifying memories of her recently deceased mother. Most currently, she took a 10-month break from painting and connecting on social media to simply just be with her family. During that break, she flowed into writing and after her social media break was over, she finished the first draft of her book, The Brave Map.

In this interview we talked about

  • Meredith’s journey to become an artist

  • Why and how she decided to take a 10-month break from social media

  • What she did during her social media break

  • How she decided to make her come back and how she found her new rhytm

  • What she envisions herself to be in 25 years

    (scroll down to listen) or search “Mindshift For Artists” on Apple Podcast and iTunes.

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Liz Flores: On getting her dream art projects and art residency

Liz Flores is a Chicago based artist and muralist, painting the human form through shapes and colors. Four years ago she made the leap from corporate America into the art world. Her work explores the human condition, the female form, and how emotion can be represented through movement and shape.

In this interview we talked about

  • How Liz brought in her dream art projects e.g. mural painting at Sephora, a collaboration with Lululemon and a speaking gig at Creative Mornings Chicago.

  • Liz’s experience with her first art residency and how it has influenced her art practice.

  • How Liz views social media and how she brings Instagram connection into life.

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Rose Candela: Her greatest mindset shift was discovering the cycles of creativity

Rose Candela is a mother, trained art historian, artist, and coach to women who want to cultivate love and acceptance for themselves on their creative path. She believes your life has a unique rhythm and accepting that is the way to inner peace. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina with her husband and son.

(scroll down to listen to the interview)

Interview Highlights:

“Rest is really important for the process”

Creative Winter: This is the time we’re going inside. We’re not producing much. We may be confused about what our purpose is or what our art is going to be.  This is the time to dream, to think and not do a lot.

Creative Spring: This is the time for listening and planning, and thinking about what you want to say.

Creative Summer: This is the time for producing, defining yourself and your art. It’s really important to remember that in the summer it can feel overwhelming really quickly.

Creative Autumn: This is the time for the process of releasing, finishing up, tidying things. This is a great time to finish your work.

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Kaylan Buteyn: On living the life she’s truly happy with

Kaylan is an artist living and working in rural Tennessee. An avid gardener and dedicated locavore, she tends a flock of chickens with her Great Pyrenees, Gesso, and enjoys watching birds, reading books and drinking her husband's home brewed kombucha or beer in their historic house.

Kaylan paints about the painful and joyful perspective of mothering, using abstraction as a framework for processing the complexities of her identity as a mother & artist.

Interview Highlights

“My biggest mindset shift comes from believing that I have everything I need in the moment to be exactly who I need to be.”

On being successful and loving the life she has

“You can find whatever you need in the moment no matter what your circumstances are.”

Scroll down to listen to the interview

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Kayla Gale: On serving first and foremost

Kayla is a self-taught artist and mother living and working from her studio home in the quiet prairies of Canada. Much of her art is inspired by the psychological and emotional influences of being a mother. She seeks to embrace and communicate peace, self-acceptance, beauty, and sometimes struggle through her figure line drawings about motherhood, sisterhood, and womanhood. Her paintings observe and explore the relationship of spaces and one’s emotional well-being.

Scroll down to listen to the interview.


Interview Highlights:

Who are you?


What is your life’s work?


One word that defines where you are?


One word that defines where you want to be?


What makes you happy?


Listen to the interview here

If you would like further support, join our free facebook group here. We would love to connect with you!

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Carolina Gruner: On trusting and believing in herself

Episode 2 of Mindshift For Artists Interview

In this Episode we’re talking with Carolina Gruner. Carolina is a self-taught intuitive oil painter from Finland, currently living in New Zealand and about to move back to Finland!

(scroll down to listen to the full interview)

If you would like further support, join our free facebook group here. We would love to connect with you!

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Carolina is an advocate of “trusting your intuition” and “following your heart” and her life is living proof of what she believes. (Scroll down to listen to the full interview)


Who are you?


What is your life’s work?


What’s the one word that defines where you are right now?


What’s the one word that defines where you want to be?


What makes you feel good?


Listen to the interview here

If you would like further support, join our free facebook group here. We would love to connect with you!

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